Jun 21, 2011

I’m a Millionaire – Now What?

I finally made my first million page views on YCN last Thursday.  I didn’t think I’d ever get there but now that I have, what next? I’ve kept track of my progress daily in a spreadsheet and it seems funny to no longer be fussing with the calculations every day.

Ok, new goal.

I started publishing on AC in June 2008 but only wrote a few articles before going into hiding for about a year, so I figure it took me just over two years for my first million page views (PVs).

I'm setting another goal for my second million by end of year 2012, so that gives me about a year and a half.  I could probably reach my goal much quicker if things stayed the same as they have been the last two years, but with the YCN changes and so much content going to the Yahoo side - plus Google hitting us where it hurts - I’m allowing a little leeway.

I made my first million page views on June 15, and according to my handy-dandy Julian calendar, that leaves 532 days until December 31, 2012.   I’ll need an average of 1,883 PVs per day to meet my goal.

My crochet patterns do well on PVs during the winter months, so that will hopefully offset the slower summer months when people are less likely to be looking for crochet patterns.  If Google cooperates and YCN doesn’t throw a kink in the works by changing the platform, I should be able to reach my second million PVs by my target date.

There you have it - my new mission.

Do you set goals?  Do you reward yourself when you attain them?


  1. Wow! YOu should celebrate this! :)

  2. That's awesome Marie Anne! Congrats!

    To answer your question, yes, I do set goals, but I don't reward myself ... I guess the personal satisfaction from achieving the goal is my reward. However, I may achieve more if I figured out another way to reward myself. ;)

  3. Well done Marie Anne. At the rate I am going it will take an eternity to get there.

  4. Congrats Marie Anne. That's really awesome. Good work.

  5. Congrats, though I need some translations. No clue what you're referring to. YCN, PV's, AC's???

    Doing some blog walking this am, been awhile since I popped in here, you're like me with so many different blogs.


  6. A million always sounds pretty impressive. Congratulations!
    I set goals, but I probably need to set more usual and specific goals. I usually celebrate by setting new ones.

    Tossing It Out

  7. Congratulations! :) Here's to the second million.

    I set goals, but always forget the reward part. Unless setting a fresh goal counts as the reward.
